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Ever miss out on a super fun event or concert? Ever been the last to know when your fave celeb comes to town or when things are happening in your city? We’ve got just the solution to not only keep you in the loop but also let you have exclusive information before the general public in regards to our show!
Be one of the first to know which celebrity guests are coming to the event. Know which amazing panels and attractions we are bringing to the show and even what special events we plan to announce just by signing up for our newsletter.
Following us on our social media platforms is a great way to stay in the know but our newsletter is the BEST way to get all of the information in one spot ahead of time. Specialized links will take you to our website for more information on the topics you’re interested in and be in the know with special promos to make sure you get the best deals out there. As another bonus, the newsletter is released at least an hour before announcements are posted on our social media, which means that you will get the scoop on all things happening at our show before the rest of the public.

Sign up now, don’t miss out!